

Port Newark Oasis

GZA's Blaine Rothauser is featured in this short documentary about the Port Newark Oasis. Port Newark Oasis from CitizenRacecar on Vimeo.


Massachusetts' New PFAS Regulations, In A Flowchart

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection implemented new PFAS statutes for public drinking water supplies in September 2020. GZA's team can help you navigate these complex regulations...


Learn More About PFAS

State Regulations Connecticut (CT) Illinois (IL) Massachusetts (MA) GZA's Flowchart Explaining Massachusetts Regulations Maine (ME) Michigan (MI) North Carolina (NC) New Hampshire (NH) New Jersey (NJ)...


Solar and Stormwater

While the solar revolution has proven overall a boon for the environment, offsetting millions of tons of carbon dioxide emissions by replacing coal, oil, and natural gas for electric generation, one...


The Advantage of the CFSQA Credential

Many of us may have enjoyed a cup of coffee with our breakfast cereal this morning and it’s a testament to our food safety standards regime that you don’t have to check your cup or your bowl for stray...


Record High Water Level In Central Wisconsin

In the August 2020 issue of the Badger Common’Tater, the official magazine of the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association, Jim Drought discusses the groundwater elevation database GZA...