

Tracking Flocks of Red Knots, One Bird At A Time

In the Americas, vast flocks of the red knot travel from the Arctic all the way to Tierra Del Fuego during its seasonal migrations, with stops along the way down the coastlines of North and South...


Aging Dams and the Importance of Infrastructure

As a long-time corporate member of the Association of State Dam Safety Officials, GZA has been aware of the looming crisis with our nation’s dams for years. Every so often, a major and sometimes...


Maui decision impacts reach the Mainland

The outcome of a case involving a 2014 leak from a Kinder Morgan Energy Partners gasoline pipeline in Belton, SC, remains in doubt after an April Supreme Court decision extending Federal Clean Water...


How Flood Mapping Can Help You

When building near waterways, large and small, developers and towns need to consider the future. Rainwater events can rapidly change the depth and velocity in the waterway, leading to flooding and...


COVID-19 Playbook

To help our clients get a sense of how GZA is approaching this and to share best practices, we’ve posted our COVID-19 Playbook to our COVID-19 Response Resource Center. This is how GZA is reoccupying...