- Over 60 Superfund projects involving site investigation and remediation activities across 8 EPA regions
- 50,000+ environmental site investigations completed since the 1970s
A hallmark of GZA’s work is our desire to consistently provide our clients with the “best” solution to their technical problems.
We understand and tailor our investigation and remediation services to provide this “best” solution considering and balancing many competing factors including our client's business needs, cost, acceptability to regulators and the community, technical feasibility and implementation risks.
GZA's due diligence team meets the fast-track deadlines and demands of your real estate transactions. Our leadership in organizations like ASTM International and the Environmental Bankers Association keep us on the forefront of ever-changing standards and regulations. We make it our priority to stay on the front line of emerging issues by actively participating in organizations like the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) and various State-based professional organizations, where our influence can give voice to our clients' needs. Our proficiency with advanced report preparation platforms reduces turnaround time and improves consistency and the quality of our work product.
- Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessments
- Property Condition Assessments
- Hazardous Materials Inventory
- Vapor Intrusion & Mitigation
- Wetlands, Stream Encroachment, and Land Use Evaluations
- Environmental Compliance Audits
- AULs and Continuing Obligations
- Third-party Reviews
- Transaction Screens
- Professional Training through ASTM-certified instructors
The depth and breadth of GZA’s in-house resources allow us to consistently provide the expertise and skill necessary to solve the multi-faceted challenges our clients face, whether for a transactional ESA, a state-regulated cleanup effort, or an EPA Superfund investigation.
Site investigations and remediations are customized to meet each client’s goals, with the ultimate focus being what’s needed to efficiently close out the site under the regulatory options available.
For more complex sites, GZA has the expertise to manage and distill large data sets, evaluate potential human health and ecological risks to assess remedial need, conduct environmental modeling to assess current and potential future conditions under alternative scenarios, and prepare supportive graphics that present the results in a compelling manner.
- ASTM Phase I and II Assessments
- Soil, Groundwater, and Soil Vapor Sampling & Analysis
- Conceptual Site Model Development
- Contaminant Fate & Transport Modeling
- Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments
- Vapor Intrusion Evaluations
- Brownfields
The "best" solution to address contamination depends on a myriad of objectives, some of the most important of which are our client's overall business goals. GZA strives to identify the best solution to meet those objectives. As such, we maintain no proprietary interest in any technology and have no permanent affiliations with off-site disposal facilities, thus, we are not limited to any one approach.
We recommend the approach that best fits our client’s needs, taking into account relevant technical issues and regulatory requirements for the current and future use of the site. We use a full-range of remedial technologies from the traditional (e.g., excavation and containment remedies) to the more innovative (e.g.. phytoremediation, in-situ thermal treatment).
- Feasibility Studies and Remedy Selection
- Remedial Design
- Remedial Action Implementation
- Guaranteed Fixed-Price Remediation - Contract to Closure
- Monitored Natural Attenuation
- In-Situ Treatment Technologies
- Ex-Situ Treatment Technologies
- Environmental Remediation Services
GZA implements a careful and iterative approach to evaluating the potential environmental and health risks associated with the presence of PFAS, with stringent PFAS-specific procedures.
GZA has considerable experience identifying the sources of these complex chemicals, understanding the various PFAS migration pathways, and developing scientific and fiscally responsible approaches to address these environmental concerns. GZA can help you assess whether, and when, you should test for PFAS; evaluate potential exposure pathways; navigate the rapidly changing regulatory landscape; and develop sound scientific approaches for mitigating potential environmental and health risks. We will be your responsible technical advocate, providing experienced and qualified personnel to help you address the regulatory, public relations, technical challenges, and risk management surrounding PFAS.
- Health Effects Evaluations
- "Clean" Sampling Techniques
- Fate & Transport Modeling
- Remedial Technologies
- Environmental Remediation Services
GZA provides a comprehensive range of services related to both contaminated and non-contaminated aquatic and wetland sediments in water bodies ranging from small ponds and creeks, to riverine and coastal shorelines, to ports and harbors. Our services include environmental investigation, feasibility studies, and remedial design at federal and state-regulated sites, as well as sediment management and dredging design for navigation, construction of marine structures, and private or public waterfront development. We also provide construction management as a stand-alone service or as part of a turn-key solution.
Contaminated sediment projects are complex, requiring multi-disciplinary teams to identify potential contaminant sources, to understand contaminant fate and transport, to assess human health and ecological risks, and to develop risk-based remedial designs. The complexity of sediment projects tap many of GZA's strengths, including our client-focus and our exceptional strategic, communication, and advocacy skills.
- Sampling and Analysis
- Fate & Transport Modeling
- Ecological Risk Assessments
- Natural Recovery Processes
- In-Situ Capping Design
- Dredging design
- Cost Recovery and Allocation
- Litigation Support and Forensics
Remedial Investigation/Remedial Action, Former MGP Site on Tidal River
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey On-Call Asbestos and Lead Consulting Services
Former BH Aircraft Site Brownfield Redevelopment
What to Know: ASTM’s Environmental Professional Certification for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
ASTM International has recently developed a new voluntary credential, the Certified Environmental Professional, or CEP. The ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (ASTM E1527-21)...
New Hampshire’s New Soil PFAS Regulations Now in Effect
As required by State law, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) has adopted soil remediation standards (SRS) for certain perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)...
Green and Sustainable Remediation (GSR) for Environmental Programs in New York State: What You Need to Know
Whether you are developing or implementing a remedial strategy with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), it is a requirement to consider green and sustainable...
US EPA to Designate Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS) CERCLA Hazardous Substances
On April 19 th, 2024, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced in a press release that it will designate PFOS and PFOA, two per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), including their...
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