We are very pleased that the following firms are part of the GZA family:

Minneapolis-based Vieau Associates Inc. located in Edina, Minnesota, is now a division of GZA. Read the full press release.
Founded 20 years ago in metropolitan Minneapolis-St. Paul, Vieau Associates specializes in environmental due diligence, brownfields remediation, vapor intrusion mitigation, petroleum remediation, and asbestos, lead, and mold. Vieau Associates serves as environmental consultants to property buyers, owners, lenders, developers, institutions and manufacturers, in both the private and public sectors, helping them bring their projects to fruition.
For more information on Vieau’s services, visit their website.

Leading groundwater consulting firm, Emery & Garrett Groundwater Investigations, LLC (EGGI), located in Meredith, New Hampshire, is a division of GZA.
Serving the State of New Hampshire and the eastern United States for the past 28 years, EGGI has been recognized regionally and nationally by the EPA, the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and the National Association of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers, for providing technical leadership in the field of groundwater exploration, development, and protection.
The EGGI team provides consulting services to municipal utilities, public water authorities, hospitals, universities, Fortune 500 companies, developers, counties, and state and federal agencies, with additional services now available to these clients as a result of GZA’s comprehensive practice areas.
AirLogics, LLC, a subsidiary of GZA, provides comprehensive perimeter air monitoring services to clients engaged in environmental site remediation and construction related primarily to former Manufactured Gas Plant sites and other site applications including demolition and construction projects. The AirLogics system utilizes patented technology and is based on an automated, radio telemetry linked network of field monitoring stations to provide site operators with real-time air quality data and operational warnings.
The AirLogics Perimeter Air Monitoring System is the result of a recognized need to provide our clients with real time dependable data for both safety and regulatory concerns. AirLogics has designed and built an automated real-time perimeter air monitoring system that can be used in a wide variety of ambient air quality monitoring applications. The system was designed to monitor and document potentially adverse ambient air quality impacts on surrounding communities, and to demonstrate that on-site emissions are not causing an increased public health risk to nearby residents.The perimeter air monitoring system consists of a network of monitoring stations which are linked together via radio communication to a central computer system which collects, processes, and displays information from each monitoring station. Each monitoring station can contain analytical, climatic, and communications instrumentation including a gas chromatograph to measure volatile organic compounds (if needed), a respirable particulate meter to measure contaminated dust levels, shelter heaters and air conditioners, and a radio-based data acquisition system.
Address Air Quality Issues Before Problems Arise. When dealing with environmental and public health issues, instituting safeguards to proactively address quality control and enhance incident response measures are a must for today's companies. AirLogics' patented perimeter air monitoring system provides real-time, around-the-clock sampling and documentation to meet regulatory standards while guarding against potential air quality problems.
Powerful Risk Management. AirLogics provides supporting documentation that integrates into comprehensive risk-management programs meant to buffer companies from short-term and long-term environmental liabilities. A flexible, high-tech format enables risk managers and environmental engineers to continually monitor air quality for volatile and particulate airborne substances. The system also records and stores the air quality measurements during site cleanup activities. Air quality measurement and documentation like this are ideal for numerous sites including former Manufactured Gas Plant sites, hazardous waste sites, landfills, and more.
Versatile Design. Captured air quality data are relayed to a central on-site operations center where an alarm notifies site management when increased airborne substance levels are detected - enabling a quick, effective response. The versatile modular design may be customized to suit site-specific risk management objectives. System benefits include continuous monitoring and remote location access to reduce personnel hours necessary for site surveillance and environmental reporting. The cost-effective, reliable AirLogics system also offers companies the immediate investment benefits associated with positive regulatory and community relations.
- Promotes public health and environmental quality
- Eases environmental reporting
- Enhances community relations efforts
- Early warning notification
- Proactive regulatory control
- Quick community responsiveness

As of April 12th, 2021--Ecosystem Consulting Service (ECS), a leader in nature-based water-quality management solutions for drinking water supplies and recreational lakes and ponds located in Coventry, CT has become part of the GZA Team.
Specializing in “applied limnology’’—implementing solutions based on the branch of science that studies biological, chemical, and physical features of lakes and other bodies of fresh water—for more than 40 years, ECS has developed natural solutions for preventing cyanobacteria and other algal blooms, controlling invasive plant and fish species, and solving issues of drinking-water taste, odor, safety, and quality. ECS has successfully completed hundreds of projects in New England, across the nation, and as far away as Brazil, and developed dozens of Watershed-Based Plans (WBPs) to meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory requirements for water suppliers.
For more information on the services provided by ECS, click HERE