
Panel: Optimizing Injection Strategies and In Situ Remediation Performance

At a Glance


This course will present the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) Optimizing Injection Strategies and In Situ Remediation Performance Technical Regulatory Guidance document as a 4-hour short course. The training will guide remediation practitioners through the design and implementation of successful in situ remedies, how to quickly identify and diagnose poor performance, and the optimization of under-performing remedies. The audience includes state and federal regulators, environmental professionals, and stakeholders.

In situ chemical and biological treatment technologies are effective when amendments are successfully emplaced in contact with the contaminant mass. The leading causes of ineffective remedy performance are failure to adequately characterize the site, failure to account for contaminant mass storage in low permeability zones, and failure to effectively distribute amendments in low permeability materials. The focus of this short course is on remedial design characterization and the application of in situ technologies where biological and/or chemical amendments are distributed in the subsurface to treat targeted contaminant mass in porous media and fractured rock.

Emphasis is given to understanding: 1. geologic and hydrogeochemical data needs (i.e., remedial design characterization); 2. spatial distribution of contaminant mass storage in low permeability material; 3. developing emplacement strategies to improve amendment distribution; 4. iterative and adaptive refinement of amendment selection, dose, and delivery; 5. performance metrics necessary for successful in situ remediation programs; 6. recognizing when 90 to transition to monitored natural attenuation or an alternate remedy, which may require additional treatability or pilot testing; and 7. regulatory perspectives and community considerations. The course instructors will illustrate design and optimization approaches with case studies, and will review commonly encountered field and design issues and resolutions. Laptops are not required for this course.