
Richard Desrosiers, PG, LEP

Vice President
Glastonbury, CT
About Richard

Mr. Desrosiers is a Licensed Environmental Professional in Connecticut and a licensed Professional Geologist in New Hampshire and Tennessee.  In 33-years of environmental practice, he has focused on understanding complex geologic, hydrogeologic and geochemistry associated with soil and groundwater contamination.  His  experience includes the assessment and remediation of metals and volatile organic compounds, RCRA/CERCLA hazardous waste investigations/closures; developing in-situ innovative technologies to remediate groundwater contamination, developing high yielding groundwater supplies in both the surficial and deep bedrock aquifers, and completion of hydrogeologic evaluations and groundwater models. He has also provided depositions, bench and jury expert testimony regarding litigation issues.  Mr. Desrosiers is currently involved with two Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) teams “Optimization of In-Situ Remediation and Injection Strategies” and “Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)” and was an active member on the recently published “Characterization and Remediation in Fractured Bedrock” document.