
Emery & Garrett Groundwater Investigations (EGGI), a division of GZA, was hired to develop groundwater resources within the bedrock aquifer underlying the proposed Loudoun County ES-23 Elementary School project site. The purpose of this study was to assess the availability of groundwater resources on site to be used to irrigate ball fields being constructed at the ES-23 Elementary School project site. The property is approximately 13 acres in size.


EGGI conducted a detailed groundwater exploration program at the ES-23 Elementary School project site. The investigation included assessing hydrogeologic characteristics of the project site, geophysical investigations, selection of exploratory test well locations, installation of exploratory test wells, conversion of an exploratory test well into a larger diameter production well, pumping tests and collection of pumping test data, and water quality assessment.


The results of this study indicated that sufficient groundwater resources are available on site to meet the anticipated irrigation water supply needs of the ES-23 Elementary School without causing adverse impacts to off-site groundwater users. An irrigation production well (Well E23-A) was installed to meet the irrigation water needs of the school, which is estimated to produce approximately 100 gallons per minute (gpm) (144,000 gallons per day) which successfully meets all of our client’s needs. Irrigation Well E23-A was constructed in accordance with all Loudoun County Health Department and Virginia Department of Health requirements.