Prepare for New Jersey’s July 1st, 2024 Deadline for Commercial Building Energy Audits
At a Glance
If you own or manage a commercial building in New Jersey larger than 25,000 square feet, you may have received a letter from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) informing you of the requirement to report the building’s 2023 water and energy usage by July 1, 2024.
In previous communications, we answered frequently asked questions about the benchmarking requirements. As the deadline approaches, we've continued to field questions from clients about the regulation. Below are answers to some additional commonly raised issues.
I’ve been notified that one of my buildings is on the “covered buildings” list, but not others, even though it seems they might also fall under the regulation. Should I benchmark the ones not currently considered “covered buildings”?
Your benchmarker can help you determine if an owner’s additional buildings are also subject to the current regulatory deadline. You may also choose to conduct benchmarking voluntarily for additional buildings, as auditing requirements are expected to expand, and the list of covered buildings is periodically updated.
I received the benchmarking letter but I’m only leasing the building. What should I do?
Direct the letter to the building’s owner or operator to avoid future correspondence from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.
I received a benchmarking letter, but I only occupy a parcel in my complex/campus. Do I have to benchmark?
In this scenario, benchmarking is the responsibility of the building’s owner or operator. We recommend forwarding them the letter.
Are there any exemptions to the benchmarking requirement?
Yes. New buildings, buildings that are vacant and may remain so for the foreseeable future, and buildings scheduled for demolition are exempt. You may need to document this with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.
My building has special considerations. How should I benchmark it?
Trained benchmarkers can provide a project-specific proposal for building owners and operators, using the letter you received from the NJ Board of Public Utilities.