
Lead-Based Paint Inspections in New Jersey Rental Dwellings: Is Your Township Prepared?


Legislation recently passed by the State of New Jersey introduces new requirements for municipalities regarding Lead-Based Paint (LBP) Inspections in rental dwellings constructed prior to 1978. 

Rental dwelling units subject to this new law must be initially inspected for lead-based paint within two years of the law’s effective date, July 22, 2022, or upon tenant turnover, whichever is earlier. While this means that the first inspection must take place no later than July 22, 2024, depending on tenant turnover or a need for a Certificate of Occupancy, it could be required immediately. 

The New Jersey Department of Consumer Affair’s (NJDCA’s) page on Lead-Based Paint Inspections in Rental Dwelling Units provides detailed information about the requirements for municipalities and landlords, including which properties are exempt.
To help municipalities comply with this law, GZA has created a GIS-based web solution for Lead-Based Paint Inspection. The solution supports the entire process from cataloging rental units to inspection, to recording status (including links to reports and forms), to tracking follow-up actions as needed. User-friendly interactive maps and tools are tailored with each municipality’s rental dwelling information and accessible to municipal personnel 24/7. 

The system can also “push out” email notifications to the municipality prior to deadlines, facilitating scheduling and follow-up. 

GZA’s solution also allows our LBP field staff to work quickly and efficiently as they conduct the inspections using mobile devices with smart forms. 

Working closely with the municipal and other publicly available data, records that can be stored and accessed through this system include:

  • All rental properties subject to the regulation, indicated by block, lot, address
  • Contact information for landlord or other key persons
  • Initial inspection date, results, turnover dates, next inspection date, and, if applicable, remediation/interim control actions and/or penalty information
  • Copy of Lead-Safe Certificate as easily downloadable PDF
  • Record of fee paid to township and to Lead Hazard Control Assistance Act Fund

This is just one example of how technology is helping municipalities efficiently assist their residents and meet regulatory requirements. GIS is a powerful tool not just for mapping, but to develop data-rich tools to support local communities.