Dam Rehabilitation Projects are now considered qualified projects under the EPA’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) program
At a Glance
In 2021, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) removed the exclusion of dam rehabilitation from the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (DWSRF) program. Applying for DWSRF funding for dam rehabilitation projects is done through the completion of a Class Exemption form. These grants are funded by the EPA and managed by the state through their revolving loan funds.
To demonstrate compliance with program requirements, the DWSRF application for a proposed dam rehabilitation project must demonstrate the following:
- Primary purpose of the dam/reservoir is for drinking water supply. The resource can be used for recreation, but that cannot be the primary benefit.
- Dam and reservoir are 100% owned by the public water system receiving the loan.
- Directly addresses a compelling, imminent public health threat.
- Is a cost-effective alternative.
- DWSRF funding is a significant factor in the project’s ability to proceed.
- “Design life” of the project is longer than the DWSRF payback period.
- If the dam is also used for power generation, DWSRF financing cannot pay for any rehabilitation and equipment affiliated with this purpose, unless the power generated is solely used to provide power to the public water system.
- Main project purpose is not to prepare for future growth.
Consider adding your dam rehabilitation project to your next DWSRF application. GZA can help you plan and prepare for next years’ submission in the spring to be ready for a summer submission. To learn more, contact Rania Campbell-Bussiere.