Groundwater Protection
GZA has a proven track record of developing sustainable groundwater resources, while protecting existing water resources, wetlands, and other elements of the local environment. We are a recognized leader in the creation of successful groundwater protection techniques for public water supplies and are committed to the management and protection of water resources for the benefit of our clients, the existing general public, the environment, and future generations.
Wellhead Protection
The purpose of a Wellhead Protection program is to protect groundwater resources that serve the public and to preserve the health, safety and welfare of those water users by preventing adverse impacts due to contamination and/or water loss in local or regional aquifers. GZA has participated in writing, reviewing, and establishing many Wellhead Protection policies/areas in various geologic environments and believes a successful Wellhead Protection program is best implemented through conducting detailed technical investigations that specifically delineates contributing recharge areas to Production Wells. Sustaining groundwater protection efforts must be done through appropriate education, cooperation, and in some cases regulation.
Strategies to Reduce Introduction of Sodium and Chloride into Groundwater Supply
Highways and major roadways located within Wellhead Protection Areas (WHPAs) can represent a significant threat to local groundwater quality, primarily from the application of road salt in the snow-belt regions of the U.S. If large amounts of road salt are applied to highways, parking lots, driveways, etc., water from surface water runoff can cause sodium and chloride levels in groundwater to be elevated in the local aquifer. GZA has studied the impact of road salt on local groundwater quality at many specific sites in New England continues to work with private and public Water suppliers, State Regulators and Transportation Departments to insure that strategies are implemented to reduce the introduction of sodium and chloride into the local groundwater supply.
Environmental Assessments
GZA’s hydrogeologists, geologists, geophysicists, and other specialists have completed numerous environmental assessments on behalf of both public and private sector clients.
Wetland Impact Analyses
Pursuant to the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services regulations for Large Groundwater Withdrawal Rules (Env-Ws 403), GZA is well experienced in conducting wetland impact analyses that assesses the potential for adverse water level impacts to occur within wetlands as a result of long-term groundwater withdrawals.
Groundwater Contaminant Assessment and Remediation
GZA has completed dozens of investigations to assess the nature and extent of groundwater contamination in a wide variety of hydrogeologic settings.
Groundwater Monitoring of Quarry Mining Operations
Mining operations often require that long-term groundwater monitoring programs be performed to assess the existence of, or potential for, undesirable impacts as they relate to quarry activities. GZA has designed, assessed, and implemented both detailed and comprehensive groundwater monitoring programs associated with sand and gravel mining operations, bedrock quarries, and blasting projects for commercial and public enterprises (i.e., shopping malls, highways, etc.). Our clients have included both the public seeking to ensure that groundwater resources are protected from quarrying activities and also the commercial/private quarry enterprises who desire an understanding that their quarry activities are not causing adverse impacts to groundwater quality or groundwater availability.
Landfill Assessments
GZA has successfully completed dozens of landfill investigations. These work tasks have included conducting geophysical surveys, monitoring well installations, landfill gas studies, extensive groundwater quality monitoring and sampling, gas sampling, and providing expert witness testimony regarding active groundwater quality monitoring plans.
Development and Permitting of Artificial Recharge System – Spruce Hole Aquifer, University of New Hampshire/Town of Durham, NH
Assessment of the Availability of Groundwater Resources on a National Scale within the Dominican Republic