John Osborne, P.G.
“At GZA we really believe in bringing to bear technical solutions that uniquely blend creativity, intelligence and pragmatism to further the best interests of our clients”.
John Osborne has been with GZA for over 22 years as a Principal Hydrogeologist and District Manager for GZA’s Milwaukee, Wisconsin operations. He has provided senior management and technical review of a large diversity of hydrogeologic, environmental, geotechnical and groundwater resource projects implemented by teams of engineers and scientists at GZA. His areas of specialization have included geological and hydrogeological site characterization and development of conceptual site models (CSMs) used in unraveling the complexities of contaminant migration and the selection of remedial solutions that balance both risk and cost. He has been engaged in regional aquifer studies that seek to provide groundwater management solutions where groundwater demand and depletion of water supply aquifers threaten long-term sustainability.
He has taken active roles in representing clients and presenting technical issues to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and Department of Justice (DoJ), the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and many other state regulatory agencies. He offers technical expertise in bridging complex site development issues such as civil engineering, geotechnical, environmental and regulatory concerns that typically characterize the redevelopment of urban properties. He has specialized experience in the areas of groundwater flow interpretations and contaminant transport involving the characterization of subsurface impacts from dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) in porous media and fractured bedrock environments.
Mr. Osborne received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Geological Sciences and Geophysics from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He is presently serving on GZA’s Board of Directors, is a member of the Operations Team and the Executive Team. He is a long-standing member of the Association of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers and often utilizes his technical skills to assist in alleviating water related issues that threaten the health and well-being of underdeveloped or under-resourced countries.