Artificial Recharge of Groundwater Resources
GZA is a leader in the use of artificial recharge in sand and gravel aquifers, having successfully executed and permitted the very first project of its kind in New England. Our highly successful initial project resulted in a 70% increase in the productivity of our client-Town’s production wells, and led New Hampshire to promulgate new regulations and guidelines regarding Artificial Recharge projects in the State.
Reverse Aquifer Depletion; Store New Water for Later Use
Artificial recharge is a process that involves enhancing the natural replenishment of groundwater and has widespread global applicability. Projects are designed to actively introduce incremental surface water into groundwater aquifers during periods of excess flow in rivers or streams. When properly implemented, artificial recharge offers the unique ability to reverse aquifer depletion while storing vast new quantities of freshwater for later use.
Treat Surface Water to Safe Drinking Standards Naturally
Additionally, projects can be designed so that the aquifer materials provide natural filtration and enhancement of the quality of the recharge water. In this way, surface water supplies can be naturally treated to safe drinking water standards, eliminating the need for costly and energy intensive surface water treatment plants.
Excellent Tool with Enormous Global Potential
Given the growing environmental challenges (including issues associated with drought and climate change), overuse of groundwater resources, increasing financial and social costs, and long permitting timelines required for the development of new surface water sources, the use of artificial recharge to enhance existing groundwater supply systems represents an excellent tool with enormous potential to aid water purveyors in the future.
Development and Permitting of Artificial Recharge System – Spruce Hole Aquifer, University of New Hampshire/Town of Durham, NH